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2022 PCA General Assembly

Jeff Morgan

This week, the General Assembly of our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America, will be meeting in Birmingham, Alabama. Representing Haynes Creek Church (PCA) at this national meeting of our churches will be elders Josh Fuller and Jeff Morgan.

If you're curious about this year's General Assembly, it is being livestreamed; so if you'd like, you can watch along here. (I'm assuming this is free, but with the PCA, you never know...)

The meeting begins with a worship service on Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. Usually the General Assembly's moderator is elected immediately following this service, but very little additional business is attempted that first night.

Wednesday's business starts at 9:30 a.m. and will be taken up largely with permanent committee reports; so expect a series of (sometimes interesting) presentations on things like foreign missions, church planting, and our denomination's college and seminary.

If it's controversy that most interests you, then you'll want to tune in for the debates on overtures that will consume most of Thursday's meeting. Plus, at Thursday evening's worship service (beginning at 7:00 p.m.), TE Kevin DeYoung is slated to preach, and I'll be particularly interested to hear what Pastor DeYoung has to say to our elders on this occasion.

The complete General Assembly schedule is posted here.

But whether you follow along or not, please be in prayer for the elders of the Presbyterian Church in America this week, and especially that the Lord would grant us the wisdom to faithfully apply His Word in the Scriptures to the challenges of these challenging times.

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