This past week our Session had its annual budget meeting, and I'm happy to report that Haynes Creek Church will be more than doubling its support of Christian Missions in 2022! Praise the Lord!
The increase in budgeted missions support from $4500 to $9300 in 2022 means that in the coming year, not only will our congregation be able to continue to send financial support to the following Gospel ministries:
Jeff Thompson with the PCA's Reformed University Fellowship International at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia
Kevin Bidwell with Sheffield Presbtyerian Church in Sheffield, England
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Greeneville, South Carolina
But we will also be adding the following Chrisitian missions to the works supported by our congregation here in Loganville:
Ben Coppedge with the PCA's Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia
Lenden Fleeman with the PCA's Mission to the World in Antwerp, Belgium
Brian Moore with the PCA's Mission to the World in Germany
More information about all of these ministries will be coming soon, including a visit from Brian Moore to Haynes Creek Church on Sunday, February 20th.
Thank you all for your support of the Great Commission through your faithful support of Haynes Creek Church!